
UNDOS (United Nations Decade of Ocean Science) for Sustainable Development Endorsement for MSEAS-2021

MSEAS-2021 has been approved as an Ocean Decade event.

Primary International Sponsors

    North Pacific Marine Science Organization
  • ICES

    International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
  • NOAA Fisheries

    National Marine Fisheries Service, USA
Local Sponsor
  • TBA
Co-Sponsoring Organizations
  • AORI

    Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
  • CMS

    Centre for Marine Socioecology

    Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

    L'Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
    The French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
  • SCOR

    Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research

Symposium Convenors

Keith Criddle
(University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA)

Marloes Kraan
(Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) and Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen UR & Centre for Maritime Research, The Netherlands)

Doug Lipton
(NOAA Fisheries Service, USA)

Rich Little
(CSIRO, Centre for Marine Socioecology, Australia)

Mitsutaku Makino
(University of Tokyo, Japan)

Email your questions to all Symposium Convenors

Symposium Coordinators

Robin Brown (PICES)

Alondra Sofia Rodriguez (ICES)

Doug Lipton (NOAA Fisheries Service)

Mitsutaku Makino (University of Tokyo)

Email your questions to all Symposium Coordinators

Scientific Steering Committee

Shang Sunny Chen
(First Institute of Oceanogaphy, MNR, China)

Valia Drakou
(University of TwenteThe Netherlands)

Sophie Gourguet

Katell Hamon
(Wageningen UR, The Netherlands)

Alan Haynie
(NOAA Fisheries, USA)

Yiji Li
(Tokai University, Japan)

Paul Onyango
(University of Dar Es Salaam, College of Engineering and Technology (COET), Tanzania)

Eva Plaganyi
(CSIRO, Centre for Marine Socioecology, Australia)

Jan Jaap Poos
(Wageningen UR, The Netherlands)

Ingrid van Putten
(CSIRO, Centre for Marine Socioecology, Australia)

Suhendar Sachoemar
(Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Indonesia)

Jörn Schmidt
(Kiel Marine Science at Kiel University, Kiel, Germany)

Juan Carlos Seijo
(Marist University of Merida, Mexico)

David Smith
(CSIRO, Centre for Marine Socioecology, Australia)

Olivier Thebaud

Email your questions to all Symposium SSC members

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)