Monday, June 4
Musical Reflection - Confluence
Monday June 4 (09:55-10:05), ECCWO Opening Plenary Session
A confluence in nature is the coming together of two or more bodies of water. The ECCWO Symposium is a confluence
of international scientists coming together to address the impacts of climate change on the world’s oceans and
the many people who depend on them. This composition reflects the power of confluences, with each member of the
string quartet entering alone, lending their own unique voice to the music. As the piece progresses, the different voices
interact and change as they learn to work together to create a grand climax. The piece ends on a quiet and hopeful note
as we prepare to meet the challenges of climate change together.
Composer: Zachary Friedland
Zachary Friedland’s symphonic band pieces have been performed and recorded by some of the finest ensembles on
the eastern seaboard including The Metropolitan Wind Symphony, The Savannah River Wind Ensemble, and The
American Band. Zach received a Bachelor's degree in music composition from the University of Rhode Island in 2013
and a Master’s degree from the Bard College Longy School of Music in 2015. He is currently finishing a Doctorate in
music composition at The Ohio State University. His musical themes include American music, folk music, and music
that brings awareness to our relationship with nature.
Musicians: Anacostia String Quartet
Champions of music both new and old, the Anacostia String Quartet has performed at the Kennedy Center's Millennium
Stage and is the 2018 Ensemble-in-Residence with the District New Music Coalition (DNMC). Through their
collaboration with the DNMC, the quartet performs works of living composers representing a variety of musical styles
in diverse venues across Washington, DC. The musicians are: Ryan Gregory and Myles Mocarsky, violins; Timothy
MacDuff, viola; and Pecos Singer, Cello.
SCIENCE PANEL - Opening Plenary Session
Monday June 4 (10:05-11:00)
Tell Me More: What people really want to know about oceans in a changing climate
This panel of distinguished scientists and journalists help kick off the symposium with a fast-paced discussion of key conference topics in the form of a mock press conference. In brief introductory remarks, a panel of experts will highlight critical dimensions and intersections of the effects of climate change on our present and future oceans. Then, journalists from the New York Times, National Public Radio, Science, The Guardian and the news website Oceans Deeply will quiz the panelists to elicit what their audiences would want to know. As professional question-askers, they will cut to the chase: Why do warming oceans matter? What do policy makers and the public need to know? How might these changes affect them? This opening session is designed to stimulate fresh thinking, uncover connections, and catalyze conversations throughout the conference.
Panelists (Biographies):
Dr. Manuel Barange (FAO), Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division
Dr. Allistair Hobday, Senior Principal Research Scientist with CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
Dr. Lynne Shannon, Senior researcher at the Marine Research (MA-RE) Institute, University of Cape Town
Hon. Frances A. Ulmer, Chair, US Arctic Research Commission
Dr. Cisco Werner, Chief Scientist, NOAA Fisheries
Cornelia Dean (New York Times)
Christopher Joyce (National Public Radio)
Alok Jha (UK, Wellcome Fellow, former Guardian and BBC reporter)
Jessica Leber (Oceans Deeply)
David Malakoff (Science)
Facilitator: Nancy Baron (COMPASS)
(Women’s Aquatic Network (WAN) Town Hall)
Oh the Places You’ll Go: Lessons for Early Career Professionals
Monday June 4
To foster the growth of the next generation of scientists, the Women’s Aquatic Network (WAN) will host a professional
development event for early career men and women as part of the 4th International Symposium on The Effects of Climate Change in Our World Oceans.
Through a moderated panel, attendees will learn about potential career paths in their field, hear lessons learned, and have an opportunity to connect with mentors and peers. Panelists will be leaders from the WAN community based in Washington DC and other areas.
0-20 min: Panel Introductions and Broad Q&A
20-40 min: Q&A
40-60 min: Networking between panelists, WAN mentors, and attendees
Jaya Ghosh
Women’s Aquatic Network
Monday, June 4 (18:30-20:30), The Washington Hilton (Heights Courtyard – Lobby Level)
Tuesday, June 5
Communicating Science about the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans
Stephen Posner (COMPASS)
This science communication workshop will help participants share what they do, what they know - and most importantly, why it matters - in clear, lively terms. Grounded in the latest research on science communication and policy engagement, this session is designed to help you find the relevance of your science for the audiences you most want to reach — policymakers, the public, media professionals and even other scientists.
COMPASS staff will introduce participants to The Message Box, a simple yet powerful tool for identifying and framing scientific messages for various audiences. There will be time to distill key science messages, practice communicating, and hone concrete skills with your peers.
This event will be designed and facilitated by
COMPASS, a non-profit, non-advocacy organization that supports scientists to engage in the public discourse on the environment. Over nearly two decades, COMPASS has trained thousands of scientists and brokered relationships for scientists with their peers, journalists, and policymakers, helping them reach places like the front page of the New York Times, the halls of Congress, and the Executive Office of the President.
This workshop complements a live "Pitch Pit" event later Tuesday evening and will be a perfect chance to fine-tune your pitch! Please pre-register for the Townhall Workshop at:
Stephen Posner
June 5 (18:30-21:00), The Washington Hilton (Columbia West)
Join us for a special reception highlighting the Nanson Legacy Initiative and the importance of science communication
Norway, COMPASS and ECCWO are cosponsoring an evening reception and live "Pitch Pit" event as part of the symposium.
Come learn about the
Nansen Legacy Initiative,
make new connections with scientists and journalists, learn what journalists look for in a story, and share your story ideas.
Norway will provide information about the
Nansen Legacy Initiative, a new multi-year science initiative to understand and help respond to changing Arctic ocean ecosystems. COMPASS will host a fun “Pitch Pit” event where scientists briefly communicate an aspect of their research and journalists offer feedback. Have no fear: liquid courage will be available, with a cash bar and light hors d’oeuvres provided. Scientists who step up to pitch ideas and journalists who give feedback will be rewarded with free drink tickets. Reception is open - please register/RSVP for the "Pitch-Pit" here:
ECCWO Reception and Media Mixer Flyer
Wednesday, June 6
LUNCHTIME PANEL AND DISCUSSION (Lenfest Ocean Program Town Hall)
Benchmarks for ecosystem assessments:
Input on Indicators for practical ecosystem-based fishery management
This session is designed to share information and get input on the development and application of indicators in ecosystem-based fisheries management. Indicators are critical to effective ecosystem-based fisheries management but which indicators are most useful?
Lenfest Ocean Program and the
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (
CSIRO) are
supporting a
multi-regional project (Alaska, SE Australia, SW India, Chile) on development of
practical indicators of ecosystem structure and function, along with guidelines for applying them in a variety of
ecosystems and management contexts. Dr. Beth Fulton, Principal Senior Research Scientist,
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (
CSIRO), and Charlotte Hudson, Director,
Lenfest Ocean Program, will share information about the project and host a group discussion to get input on
future directions and collaborations. In particular, feedback is needed on:
- Recommendations on data sets and indicators of ecosystem structure and function;
- Barriers to developing indicators for a variety of ecosystems and management contexts;
- Experiences related to operationalizing EBFM from other regions; and
- Ideas on how indicators can facilitate adaptive EBFM frameworks in the face of environmental change.
Project sponsors:
Emily Knight
Lenfest Ocean Program
June 6 (18:30-21:30), The Washington Hilton (Columbia West and International Terrace)
Join your colleagues at this special Poster Session and Reception. Check out the great poster displays and chat with presenters while sipping a beverage and nibbling on snacks.
Thursday, June 7
(IPCC Town Hall)
Ocean assessment in the Sixth Assessment Cycle of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Thursday June 7th 12.40-14.00
In its Sixth Assessment Cycle (AR6), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is producing three Special Reports: Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), Global Warming of 1.5°C and Climate Change and Land as well as the main Working Group Assessment Reports. This session will start with an overview of IPCC and the AR6 reports focusing on Working Group II (Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability) AR6 and SROCC. Much of this session will be devoted to open discussion with participants regarding SROCC and the Working Group II Assessment Report, including topics such as what literature does IPCC assess, how were authors selected and how does IPCC review process work, as well as ocean knowledge gaps highlighted in the AR5 report and emerging knowledge of climate change impacts and risks for ocean ecosystems and human communities.
Hans Poertner (IPCC WGII Co-chair)
Panel discussion
Hans Poertner IPCC WGII Co-chair
Ko Barrett IPCC Vice-chair
Anne Hollowed
William Cheung
Shin-Ichi Ito
Elvira Poloczanska IPCC WGII TSU Head of Science