Participation and Eligibility

  • 25–30 participants.

    NO Abstract submission, NO Registration Fee Payment is required.

  • Preference to PICES member nations, but open to others, especially North Pacific rim.

  • Early career scientists (within 5 years of receiving their Ph.D.) and scientists from countries with ‘economies in transition’.

  • Encourage participants whose research is related to or will benefit from the summer school curriculum content.

Steps to APPLY for participation in summer school:

  1. Concatenate 3 documents in into one file (doc/pdf format) in order:
    1. Brief CV
    2. Statement of Interest
    3. ONE Letter of Reference (for example, from advisor/supervisor)

  2. Read istructions about how to SUBMIT on-line application

  3. Submit your concatenated documents using PICES on-line system.

If you have any problems with on-line submissions please


Juila Yazvenko
Database and Web Administrator
PICES Secretariat
Phone: 1-250-363-6366
Fax: 1-250-363-6827

Important Dates
December 1, 2017
March 16, 2018 (Extended)
  • Applications due
April 16, 2018 (postponed)
  • Selection decisions made
April 22, 2018 (postponed)
  • Invitees confirm participation
  • Invitation letters for visa applications issued