The symposium will be held April 24-26 at CIBNOR (the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste), located at Km. 1 Carretera a San Juan de La Costa "EL COMITAN", La Paz, B.C.S., 23205. All sessions will take place in building “S”, just after the main entrance to the facilities: plenary sessions in the “Dr. Felix Córdoba Alva” Auditorium at the ground level, and concurrent topic sessions in the meeting rooms on the first floor. Posters will be on display at the CIBNOR Central Plaza.
The PICES-Mexico special session on April 23 will be convened at the “Dr. Héctor Mayagoitia Domínguez” Auditorium, CICIMAR (Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas), located at Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional s/n Col. Playa Palo de Santa Rita.
Bus transportation will be arranged between downtown hotels and the venues.
April 23:
Stop 1 - Jardín Velázco (Hotel Catedral)
Stop 2 - Seven Crown Hotel
Stop 3 - Hotel Zar – CICIMAR
ROUTE 2: Stop 1/Hotel Blue - CICIMAR
Departure to CICIMAR for the PICES-Mexico special session at 13:00
Departure to CICIMAR for the Symposium Icebreaker at 17:00
Departure from CICIMAR to downtown hotels at 19:30
April 24 to April 26:
Stop 1 - Jardín Velázco (Hotel Catedral)
Stop 2 - Seven Crown Hotel
Stop 3 - Hotel Zar – CIBNOR
ROUTE 2: Stop 1/Hotel Blue - CIBNOR
Departure to CIBNOR for the symposium at 8:00
Departure from CIBNOR to downtown hotels at 19:30 on April 24 and April 25
Departure from CIBNOR to downtown hotels and dinner venue at 17:30 on April 26