RECOGNIZING the need for improved scientific understanding of the North Pacific Ocean and its processes, living resources, and oceanographic features;
AWARE that due to the vast expanse of the North Pacific Ocean, scientific understanding of the area can be best achieved through a spirit of international scientific cooperation on a mutually beneficial basis;
DESIRING to establish an appropriate intergovernmental organization to promote and facilitate such scientific cooperation and avoid duplication of effort;
ACKNOWLEDGING that the activity of the organization must be based on the principles and rules of the international law of the sea applicable to marine scientific research,
HAVE AGREED as follows:
The purpose of the Organization shall be:
The Organization shall consist of:
The original of the present Convention in the English and French languages, each version being equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Depository, which shall transmit certified copies thereof to all of the signatory states.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Convention.
DONE in duplicate, at Ottawa, this 12th day of December, 1990, in the English and French languages, each version being equally authentic.