Organization Structure 2024 - 2025

GC: Governing Council (GC)
The Governing Council (GC) is the decision-making body of the Organization composed of national representatives. The scientific and administrative functions, procedures and membership of GC are described in Articles V-VII of the PICES Convention and in Rules 3-9 of the Rules of Procedure.
Executive Committees
An Executive Committee is a permanent committee reporting directly to the Governing Council (GC). With the approval of GC, an Executive Committee may establish subsidiary bodies to meet the needs of the Organization.
  • F&A The Finance and Administration Committee (F&A) is an Executive Committee responsible for overseeing financial and administrative matters and effectiveness of the Organization. Details on the functions, membership and leadership of F&A are described in Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure.
  • SB The Science Board (SB) is an Executive Committee responsible for overseeing the scientific activities of the Organization. Details on the functions, membership and leadership of SB and on the nomination and election procedure for the SB Chairman are described in Rules 12 and 17 of the Rules of Procedure.
  • SB Subsidiary Bodies
Scientific and Technical Committees
The Scientific and Technical Committees are established by the Science Board (SB), with the approval of the Governing Council (GC), as ongoing groups and are organized according to scientific or technical subjects. Each Committee is responsible for overseeing the activities of their subsidiary bodies and for determining priorities for consideration by SB and GC. Details on the functions, membership and leadership of the Committees and on the election procedure for a Committee Chairman are described in Rules 13, 14 and 17 of the Rules of Procedure.

Scientific Committees

Scientific Committees are responsible for the planning, direction, and overseeing of major themes within the Organization’s general scientific aims.
  • HD Human Dimensions Committee
    HD Subsidiary Bodies WG 51 WG 53

Technical Committees

Technical Committees are responsible for facilitating the technical and operational activities required to support the Organization’s science.
Scientific Program
Disbanded Scientific Program
A Scientific Program is established by the Science Board (SB), with the approval of the Governing Council (GC), to address major scientific questions of general interest to the Organization. The Scientific Program typically places significant demands on the Organization for periods of up to a decade. The Program has an organizational structure recommended by SB, and SB serves as the Scientific Steering Committee of the Program.

Expert Groups

Expert Groups (Sections, Working Groups, Advisory Panels, Study Groups, etc.) are organizational entities created by decision. Details on the functions, membership and leadership of various Expert Groups are described in Rules 13, 15 and 17 of the Rules of Procedure.

[Disbanded Sections]

A Section is an ongoing sub-committee established by a Scientific Committee or by several Scientific Committees, with the endorsement of Science Board (SB) and approval by Governing Council (GC), A “Section” represents a sub-committee under a Scientific Committee that has a longer lifespan than a Working Group. Its purpose is to provide input to the parent Scientific Committee on specific issues for which expertise may be lacking on the parent committee. Sections should be reviewed periodically to ensure they continue to meet their objectives.

  • S-MPP: Section on Marine Plastic Pollution
    (PICES-2024 – PICES-2029)
  • S-MBM: Section on Marine Birds and Mammals
    (PICES-2015 – PICES-2026)
  • S-CCME: Section on Climate Change Effects on Marine Ecosystems
    (PICES-2011 – PICES-2025)
  • S-HAB: Section on Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms in the North Pacific
    (PICES-2003 – PICES-2025)
  • S-CC: Section on Carbon and Climate
    (PICES-2005 – PICES-2027)

Working Groups
[Disbanded Working Groups]

A Working Group is a group established by a Scientific Committee or by several Scientific Committees, with the endorsement of Science Board (SB) and approval by Governing Council (GC), for a period of typically three years, to undertake specific terms of reference and to report to the Organization on its findings. Most Working Groups report to parent Scientific Committees, others directly to Science Board. Most Working Groups meet annually to undertake specific tasks within their terms of reference. Science Board suggests the members of Working Groups in consultation with the PICES Chairman, and seeks Contracting Parties’ approval and support.

  • WG 47: Working Group on Ecology of Seamounts
    (Term: PICES-2020 - PICES-2024)
  • WG 48: Working Group on Towards best practices using Imaging Systems for Monitoring Plankton (WGISMP)
    (Term: PICES-2020 - PICES-2024)
  • WG 49: Working Group on Climate Extremes and Coastal Impacts in the Pacific
    (Term: PICES-2021 - PICES-2026)
  • WG 50: Working Group on Sub-mesoscale Processes and Marine Ecosystems
    (Term: PICES-2021 - PICES-2025)
  • WG 51: Working Group on Exploring Human Networks to Power Sustainability
    (Term: PICES-2022 - PICES-2025)
  • WG 52: Working Group on Data Management
    (Term: PICES-2023 - PICES-2026)
  • WG 53: Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Sustainable Pelagic Forage Communities
    (Term: June 2024 – PICES-2027)

Advisory Panels
[Disbanded Advisory Panels]

An Advisory Panel is a group established by the Science Board (SB) with approval by the Governing Council (GC), to coordinate and/or provide scientific advice on the activities of a Scientific/Technical Committee or Scientific Program. The purpose of an Advisory Panel is to provide scientific expertise to a Committee or Scientific Program to aid in accomplishment of a research issue or program of work that requires specific technical expertise, such as the design of an ocean experiment or sampling program, or the incorporation of certain scientific emphases (e.g. marine mammal and bird experts) into the PICES scientific scope. Most Advisory Panels report to parent Scientific Committees or Programs and meet annually to undertake specific tasks within their terms of reference.

  • AP-ARC: Advisory Advisory Panel on the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Gateways
    (May 2024 - TBD)
  • AP-CREAMS: Advisory Panel for a CREAMS/PICES Program in East Asian Marginal Seas
    (Oct. 2005 - 2024)
  • AP-NPCOOS: Advisory Panel on North Pacific Coastal Ocean Observing Systems
    (Oct. 2015 - )
  • AP-NIS: Advisory Panel on Marine Non-indigenous Species
    (June 2016 - )
  • AP-ECOP: Advisory Panel on Early Career Ocean Professionals
    (PICES-2021 - )
  • AP-SciCom: Advisory Panel on Science Communications
    (PICES-2021 - )
  • AP-UNDOS: Advisory Panel on United Nations Decade of Ocean Science
    Joint PICES AP / ICES Council Strategic Initiative to plan participation in the UN Decade of Ocean Science (ICES–PICES Ocean Decade)
    (April 2022 - )

Study Groups
[Disbanded Study Groups]

A Study Group is a group established by the Governing Council (GC) or by an Executive Committee, with the approval by GC. The purpose of a Study Group is to analyze the scientific, policy, and/or financial implications of a proposal made by Science Board or Governing Council, and provide recommendations for Science Board or Council on the proposal. This type of group would typically be formed for a period of one-year and would provide a report of their findings and recommendations to Science Board or Council prior to the Annual Meeting after it was formed.

  • SG-GREEN: Study Group on Generating Recommendations to Encourage Environmentally- Responsible Networking
    (Jun. 2022 - ISB-2024)

PICES Disbanded Groups