Disclaimer: All names and claims expressed in these publications are solely those of the authors and do not represent those of the PICES Organization, nor those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.
Report of Working Group 36 on Common Ecosystem Reference Points across PICES Member Countries
Expert Group: WG-36 P: 978-1-927797-47-1 W: 978-1-927797-57-0
Spatial Ecology of Marine Top Predators in the North Pacific: Tools for Integrating across Datasets and Identifying High Use Areas
Expert Group: AP-MBM P: 978-1-927797-21-1 W: 978-1-927797-23-5
PICES Advisory Report on the Decline of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Steller, 1743) in Relation to Marine Ecology
P: 1-897176-79-1 W: 978-1-927797-08-2
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas
P: 1-897176-64-3 W: 1-897176-65-1
Impacts of Climate and Climate Change on the Key Species in the Fisheries in the North Pacific
P: 1-897176-45-7 W: 1-897176-61-9
Forecasting Climate Impacts on Future Production of Commercially Exploited Fish and Shellfish
P: 1-897176-43-0 W: 1-897176-44-9
Report of the PICES/NPRB Workshop on Integration of Ecological Indicators of the North Pacific with Emphasis on the Bering Sea
P: 1-897176-05-8 W: 1-897176-09-0
Report of the 2005 Workshop on Ocean Ecodynamics Comparison in the Subarctic Pacific
P: 1-897176-04-X W: 1-897176-10-4
Report of the 2004 Workshop on In Situ Iron Enrichment Experiments in the Eastern and Western Subarctic Pacific
P: 1-897176-03-1 W: 1-897176-11-2
Micronekton of the North Pacific
P: 1-897176-02-3 W: 1-897176-12-0
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas
P: 0-9731492-6-4 W: 1-897176-16-3
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: The BASS/MODEL Report on Trophic Models of the Subarctic Pacific Basin Ecosystems
Expert Group: TT-BASS, TT-MODEL
P: 0-9731492-5-6 W: 1-897176-17-1
PICES Science: The First Ten Years and a Look to the Future
P: 0-9731492-2-1 W: 1-897176-20-1
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the PICES 2002 Volunteer Observing Ship Workshop
P: 0-9731492-1-3 W: 1-897176-21-X
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 2001 BASS/MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2002 MODEL/REX Workshop
P: 0-9731492-0-5 W: 1-897176-22-8
Commercially Important Crabs, Shrimps and Lobsters of the North Pacific Ocean
P: 0-9685100-9-4 W: 1-897176-23-6
Proceedings of the PICES/CoML/IPRC Workshop on “Impact of Climate Variability on Observation and Prediction of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Changes in the North Pacific”
Expert Group: WG 24
P: 0-9685100-8-6 W: 1-897176-24-4
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 2000 BASS, MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2001 BASS/MODEL Workshop
Expert Group: TT-BASS,
P: 0-9685100-7-8 W: 1-897176-25-2
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 1999 MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2000 MODEL Workshop on Lower Trophic Level Modelling
P: 0-9685100-5-1 W: 1-897176-27-9
Predation by Marine Birds and Mammals in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean
P: 0-9685100-4-3 W: 1-897176-28-7
Bibliography of the Oceanography of the Japan/East Sea
P: 0-9685100-3-5 W: 1-897176-29-5
Proceedings of the Second PICES Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas
P: 0-9685100-2-7 W: 1-897176-30-9
PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Summary of the 1998 MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and Task Team Reports
P: 0-9685100-1-9 W: 1-897176-31-7
Proceedings of the 1998 Science Board Symposium on The Impacts of the 1997/98 El Niño Event on the North Pacific Ocean and Its Marginal Seas
P: 0-9685100-0-0 W: 1-897176-32-5
PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Workshop on the Development of Cooperative Research in Coastal Regions of the North Pacific
P: 0-9698420-9-0 W: 1-897176-33-3
Multilingual Nomenclature of Place and Oceanographic Names in the Region of the Okhotsk Sea
P: 0-9698420-8-2 W: 1-897176-34-1
Summary of the Workshop on Conceptual/Theoretical Studies and Model Development and the 1996 MODEL, BASS and REX Task Team Reports
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas.
P: 0-9698420-6-6 W: 1-897176-36-8
Science Plan, Implementation Plan (Report of the PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity)
P: 0-9698420-4-X W: 1-897176-38-4
Report of the PICES-STA Workshop on Monitoring Subarctic North Pacific Variability
P: 0-9698420-3-1 W: 1-897176-39-2