2025, Nov 7–16
PICES-2025 Annual Meeting
Innovative Approaches and Applications to Foster Resilience in North Pacific Ecosystems
Location: Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: PICES
Ecosystems in the North Pacific have been significantly impacted by climate change and human activities. For over 30 years, PICES has established an international scientific network and conducted numerous projects to enhance our understanding of how North Pacific ecosystems respond to such impacts. However, with the recent intensification of climate change and the increase in unpredictable extreme events, previously held understandings may no longer be valid. There is a pressing need for discussions on integrating the latest scientific findings and technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, remote sensing, biotechnology) by experts from diverse fields, including marine science, environmental conservation, engineering, economics, and social science. Equally important is the collaboration with local fishing communities, policymakers, NGOs, and other stakeholders to explore practical applications of scientific knowledge. PICES-2025 will serve as a crucial platform for exploring innovative approaches to understanding North Pacific ecosystems, helping to chart a path toward climate resilience and sustainable development. Contributions from experienced specialists, as well as groundbreaking ideas from Early and mid-Career Ocean Professionals, are highly encouraged.
2026, May 4–8
3rd Small Pelagic Fish (SPF-2026) International Symposium
Navigating Changes in Small Pelagic Fish and Forage Communities: Climate, Ecosystems, and Sustainable Fisheries
Place: La Paz, Mexico
Organizers: PICES, ICES, FAO, more
2025, Mar 25–27
Place: Vancouver, BC, Canada
2025, Jun 3–6
Place: Nice, France
2025, Jun 24–26
Ecosystem Studies of the Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Open Science Meeting
Place: Tachikawa, Japan
2025, Nov 4–11
Place: Penang, Malaysia
PICES-2024, Oct 26–Nov 1
The FUTURE of PICES: Science for Sustainability in 2030
Location: Honolulu, HI, USA
Organizers: PICES Secretariat
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2023, Oct 23–27
Title: Connecting Science and Communities for Sustainable Seas
Location: Seattle, USA
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2022, Sept 23–Oct 2
Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems through global knowledge networks during the UN Decade of Ocean Science
Location: Busan, Korea
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
Oct 18–22; Oct 25–29
Towards a shared vision of sustainable marine ecosystems
Location:Held on-line by PR China
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2020 Virtual Annual Meeting
Workshops: Oct 13–15; Sessions: Oct 26–30
How does 30 years of research on changing North Pacific ecosystems inform the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2019, Oct 16–27
Connecting Science and Communities in a Changing North Pacific
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2018, Oct 25 – Nov. 4
Toward integrated understanding of ecosystem variability in the North Pacific
Place: Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2017, Sep 22 – Oct 1
Environmental Changes in the North Pacific and Impacts on Biological Resources and Ecosystem Services
Place: Vladivostok, Russia
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2016, Nov 2–13
25 Years of PICES: Celebrating the Past, Imagining the Future
Place: San Diego, USA
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2015, Oct 15–25
Change and Sustainability of the North Pacific
Place: Qingdao, China
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2014, Oct 16–26
Toward a better understanding of the North Pacific: Reflecting on the past and steering for the future
Place: Yeosu, Korea
Organizers: PICES
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2013, Oct 11–20
Communicating forecasts, uncertainty and consequences of ecosystem change
Place: Nanaimo, BC, Canada
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2012, Oct 12–21
Effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors in North Pacific ecosystems: Scientific challenges and possible solutions
Place: Hiroshima, Japan
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2011, Oct 14–23
Mechanisms of the Marine Ecosystem Reorganization in the North Pacific Ocean
Place: Khabarovsk, Russia
Website ,
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2010, Oct 22–31
North Pacific Ecosystems Today, and Challenges in Understanding and Forecasting Change
Place: Portland, U.S.A.
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES-2009, Oct 23–Nov 1
Understanding ecosystem dynamics and pursuing ecosystem approaches to management
Place: Jeju, Korea
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES 17th Annual Meeting
2008, Oct 24–Nov 2
Beyond observations to achieving understanding and forecasting in a changing
North Pacific: Forward to the FUTURE
Place: Dalian, China
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES 16th Annual Meeting
2007, Oct 26–Nov 5
The changing North Pacific: Previous patterns, future projections, and ecosystem impacts
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES 15th Annual Meeting
2006, Oct 13–22
Boundary current ecosystems
Place: Yokohama, Japan
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES 14th Annual Meeting
2005, Sep 29–Oct 9
Mechanisms of climate and human impacts
on ecosystems in marginal seas and shelf regions
Place: Vladivostok, Russia
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES 13th Annual Meeting
2004, Oct 14–24
Beyond the continental slope - complexity
and variability in the open North Pacific Ocean
Place: Honolulu, HI, USA
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES 12th Annual Meeting
2003, Oct 10–18
Human dimensions of ecosystem variability
Place: Seoul, Korea
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES 11th Annual Meeting
2002, Oct 18–26
Technological advances in marine scientific research
Place: Qingdao, China
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
PICES 10th Annual Meeting
2001, Oct 5–13
Ten years of PICES science:
Decadal-scale scientific progress and prognosis for a regime shift in scientific approach
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
2000, Oct 18–29
Subarctic gyre processes and their interaction with coastal and transition zones:
Physical and biological relationships and ecosystem impacts
Place: Hakodate, Japan
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
1999, Oct 8–17
The nature and impacts of North Pacific climate regime shifts
Place: Vladivostok, Russia
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
1998, Oct 14–25
The Impacts of the 1997/98 El Niño event on the North Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas
Place: Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
1997, Oct 14–26
Ecosystem Dynamics in the Eastern and Western Gyres of the Subarctic Pacific
Place: Busan, Korea
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
1996, Oct 11–20
Methods and findings of retrospective analyses
Place: Nanaimo, BC, Canada
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
1995, Oct 16–22
Marine carrying capacity: fact of fiction?
Place: Quingdao, PR China
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
1994, Oct 15–24
Place: Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
1993, Oct 25–30
Place: Seattle, WA, USA
[Book of Abstracts]
[PICES Press]
[Annual Report]
1992, Oct 12–17
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
[Annual Report]
2024, Jun 3–7
2nd Marine Socio-Ecological Symposium
Location: Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: PICES, ICES, NOAA Fisheries, FRA
Book of Abstracts,
Presentations, [PICES Press, Summer 2024, Vol. 32, No. 2]
2024, Mar 17–22
7th International Zooplankton Symposium
Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2024, Vol. 32, No. 2]
2023, Apr 17–21
5th International Symposium
The Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Ocean
Place: Bergen, Norway
Organizers: ICES, PICES
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2023, Vol. 31, No. 2]
2022, Nov 7–11
2nd Small Pelagic Fish (SPF-2022) International Symposium
Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science and Sustainable Management
Place: Lisbon, Portugal
Organizers: PICES, ICES, more
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Winter 2023, Vol. 31, No. 1]
2022, Jul 18–21
4th ICES / PICES Early Career Scientist Conference
Place: St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Organizers: PICES, ICES
Website, [PICES Press, Winter 2023, Vol.31, No.1]
2021, Dec 8
Marine Socio-Ecological Systems Symposium
Place: on-line
Organizers: PICES, ICES, NOAA Fisheries
Teaser event, [PICES Press, Winter 2022, Vol. 30, No. 1]
2018, Jun 4–8
4th International Symposium on the
The Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans
Place: Washington DC, USA
Organizers: ICES, PICES, IOC, NOAA Fisheries, FAO
Book of Abstracts,
Videos, Illustrations,
[PICES Press, Summer 2018, Vol.26, No.2]
[PICES Press, Winter 2019, Vol.27, No.1]
2018, Apr 24-26
International Symposium on
Understanding Changes in Transitional Areas of the Pacific
Place: La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Program and Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2018, Vol.26, No.2]
2017, May 30 – June 2
PICES/ICES 3rd Early Career Scientist Conference
Climate, Oceans and Society Challenges and Opportunities
Place: Busan, Korea
Organizers: PICES, ICES
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2017, Vol. 25, No. 2]
1st Small Pelagic Fish (SPF-2017) International Symposium
Drivers of Dynamics of Small Pelagic Fish Resources
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers: PICES, ICES, DFO
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2017, Vol.25, No.2]
6th International Zooplankton ProductionSymposium
Place: Bergen, Norway
Organizers: ICES, PICES
[PICES Press, Summer 2016, Vol.24, No.2]
Harmful Algal Blooms and Climate Change Symposium
Place: Göteborg, Sweden
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Winter 2016, Vol.24, No.1]
3rd PICES/ICES/IOC Symposium onEffects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans
Place: Santos City, Brazil
Organizers: PICES, ICES, IOC
Local Organizer: Institute of Oceanography, University of São Paulo (IOUSP)
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2015, Vol.23, No.2]
PICES FUTURE Open Science Meeting
Place: Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
Organizers: PICES
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2014, Vol.22, No.2]
ICES/PICES Forage Fish Interactions: Creating the Tools for Ecosystem Based Management of Marine Resources
Place: Nantes, France
Organizers: PICES and The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
[PICES Press, Winter 2013, Vol.21, No.1]
2nd PICES/ICES/IOC Symposium on
Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans
Place: Yeosu, Korea (in conjunction with Ocean Expo-2012)
Organizers: PICES, The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2012, Vol.20, No.2]
2nd ICES/PICES Early Career Scientist Conference: Oceans of Change
Place: Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Organizers: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), PICES, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from USA (NOAA)
[PICES Press, Summer 2012, Vol.20, No.2]
5th International Zooplankton Production Symposium on
Population connections, community dynamics and climate variability
Place: Pucón, Chile
Co-sponsored: PICES, The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2011, Vol.19, No.2]
PICES/ICES/FAO International Symposium on
Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries: Forecasting Impacts, Assessing
Ecosystem Responses, and Evaluating Management Strategies
Place: Sendai, Japan
Organizers: PICES, The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO)
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2010, Vol.18, No.2]
ICES/PICES/UNCOVER Rebuilding Depleted Fish Stocks: Biology,
Ecology, Social Science and Management Strategies
Place: Warnemünde, Germany
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), PICES, UNderstanding the Mechanisms of Stock ReCOVERy (UNCOVER)
[PICES Press, Winter 2010, Vol.18, No.1]
3rd GLOBEC Open Science Meeting (OSM)
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers: PICES and Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynaics (GLOBEC)
[PICES Press, Summer 2009, Vol.17, No.2]
Herring: Linking Biology, Ecology and Population in the Context of Changing Environments
Place: Galway, Ireland
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES),
PICES and Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynaics (GLOBEC)
Book of Abstracts
International Symposium on Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans
Place: Gijón, Spain
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES),
PICES, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2008, Vol.16, No.2]
International Symposium on Reproductive and Recruitment Processes in Exploited Marine Fish Stocks
Place: Lisbon, Portugal
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES),
PICES, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)
[PICES Press, Winter 2008, Vol.16, No.1]
Conference for Early Career Scientists: New Frontiers in Marine Science
Place: Maritime Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and PICES
[PICES Press, Summer 2007, Vol.15, No.2]
4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium on Human and climate forcing of zooplankton populations
Place: Hiroshima, Japan
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES),
PICES and Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynaics (GLOBEC)
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2007, Vol.15, No.2]
Fifth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions
Place: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), PICES, the US National Sea Grant
[ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 65, Issue 5, July 2008, Pages 713–715],
[PICES Press, Summer 2007, Vol.15, No.2]
Time Series of the Northeast Pacific: A Symposium to Mark 50th Anniversary of Line-P
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers: DFO, PICES, CLIVER
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2006, Vol.14, No.2]
CCCC Symposium on Climate Variability and Ecosystem Impacts on the North Pacific: A Basin-Scale Synthesis
Place: Honolulu, HI, USA
Organizers: PICES, GLOBEC
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2006, Vol.14, No.2]
NPAFC–PICES Joint Symposium on The status of Pacific Salmon and Their Role in North Pacific Marine Ecosystems
Place: Jeju, Korea
Organizers: North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) and PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2006, Vol.14, No.1]
GLOBEC Symposim on Climate Variability and Sub-Arctic Marine Ecosystems
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers: Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynaics (GLOBEC), PICES
[PICES Press, Summer 2005 , Vol.13, No.2]
3rd International Zooplankton Symposium on
Role of Zooplankton in Global Ecosystem Dynamics: Comparative Studies from the World Oceans
Place: Gijon, Spain
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), PICES and Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynaics (GLOBEC)
[PICES Press, Summer 2003, Vol.11, No.2]
International Symposium on North Pacific Transitional Areas
Place: La Paz, Mexico
Organizers: PICES, CIBNOR and El Centro de Investigación en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales (CICIMA)
[PICES Press, Summer 2002, Vol.10, No.2]
Beyond El Niño: A Conference on Pacific Climate Variability and Marine Ecosystem Impacts, from the Tropics to the Arctic
Place: La Jolla, CA, USA
Organizers: PICES, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), Interim Scientific Committee for Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean (ISC), North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC), SCOR
[Progress in Oceanography 2001, Vol. 49, N1-4],
[PICES Press, Summer 2000, Vol.8, No.2]
2023, Apr 1–2
The 44th annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC)
Place: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Organizers: SFU, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2023, Vol.31, No.2]
2022, Mar 19–20
The 43rd annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC)
Place: on-line
Organizers: UVic, University of Alberta etc., (PICES: co-sponsored)
Website, [PICES Press, Summer 2023, Vol.30, No.2]
2022, Feb 27 – Mar 4
Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM)
Place: on-line
Organizers: AGU, ASLO, The Oceanography Society, (PICES: co-sponsored)
Website, [PICES Press, Summer 2022, Vol.30, No.2]
2021, March 2–4 and March 8–9
International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region
Place: Reykjavik, Iceland (on-line)
Organizers: Government of Iceland, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2021, Vol. 29, No. 2]
2021, Feb 18–19
42nd Annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC)
Place: Held Virtually on Zoom
Organizers: (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2021, Vol.29, No.2]
2021, Feb 21–23
41st Annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC)
Place: Held Virtually on Zoom
Organizers: Simon Fraser U, (PICES: co-sponsored)
Website, [PICES Press, Summer 2020, Vol. 28, No. 2]
2019, Nov 18–21
International Symposium on fisheries sustainability: Strengthening the science-policy nexus
Place: Rome, Italy
Organizers: FAO, (PICES: co-sponsored)
Website, [PICES Press, Winter 2020, Vol. 28, No. 1]
2019, Nov 5–7
Shellfish Symposium: Resources and Invaders of the North
Place: Tromsø, Norway
Organizers: Institute of Marine Research (IMR), ICES, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2019, Sep 16–27
Place: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Organizers: (PICES: co-sponsored)
2019, Jun 25–27
PAME 2nd International Science and Policy Conference
Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Management in the Arctic
Place: Bergen, Norway
Organizers: Arctic Council/PAME, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2019, Jun 17–21
2nd IMBER Open Science Conference on Future Oceans
Place: Brest, France
Organizers: IMBeR, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2019, Vol. 27, No. 2]
2019, Feb 22–24
40th Annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC)
Place: Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
Organizers: UVIC, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2019, Vol. 27, No. 1]
2018, Feb 23–25
39th Annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference (PEEC)
Place: Bamfield, BC
Organizers: (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2018, Vol. 26, No. 2]
Marine biosphere research for a sustainable ocean: Linking ecosystems, future states and resource management
Place: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA
Organizers: IMBeR, (PICES: co-sponsored)
ESSAS Open Science Meeting (OSM) on Subarctic and Arctic Science
Moving in, out, and across Arctic and Subarctic Marine Ecosystems: Shifting Boundaries of Water, Ice, Flora, Fauna, People and Institutions
Place: Tromsø, Norway
Organizers: ICES, (PICES: co-sponsored)
31st Wakefield Symposium
2017, May 9–12
Impacts of a Changing Environment on the Dynamics of High-latitude Fish and Fisheries
Place: Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Organizers: Alaska Sea Grant/NOAA, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2016, May 30 – Jun 3
International Symposim on Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: Including the human
dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments
Place: Brest, France
Organizers: ICES, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2016, Vol.24, No.2]
9thInternational Conference on Marine Bioinvasions
Place: Sydney, Australia
Organizers: Study of Marine Bioinvasions (SSMB), (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2016, Vol.24, No.2]
NPAFC Symposium on Pacific salmon and steelhead production in a changing climate:
Past, present, and future
Place: Kobe, Japan
Organizers: NPAF, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2015, Vol.23, No.2]
30th Wakefield Symposium
2015, May 12–15
Tools and Strategies for Assessment and Management of Data-Limited Fish Stocks
Place: Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Organizers: Alaska Sea Grant/NOAA, (PICES: co-sponsored)
ICES Symposium on Ecological basis of risk analysis for marine ecosystems
(linked courses: “Introduction to Bayesian statistics in Fisheries”
a week prior to the symposium and “Methods developed in ECOKNOWS
(Effective use of ecosystem and biological knowledge in fisheries) project”
on June 5-6)
Place: Porvoo, Finland
Organizers: ICES, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2014, Vol.22, No.2]
29th Wakefield Symposium
2014, May 13–16
Fisheries Bycatch: Global Issues and Creative Solutions
Place: Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Organizers: Alaska Sea Grant/NOAA, (PICES: co-sponsored)
Bering Sea Open Science Meeting (OSM)
Place: Honolulu, HI, USA
Organizers: NSF, NPRB, NOAA, (PICES: co-sponsored)
8th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions
Biological Invasions in Changing Waters: Envelopes, Estuaries, and Evolution
Place: Vancouver, Canada
Organizers: Study of Marine Bioinvasions (SSMB), (PICES: co-sponsored)
Bok of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Winter 2014, Vol.22, No.1]
IMBiZO III: The future of marine biogeochemistry, ecosystems and societies:
Multi-dimensional approaches to the challenges of global change in continental margins and open ocean systems
Place: Goa, India
Organizers: IMBER, (PICES: co-sponsored)
Climate variability and change on marine resources and fisheries:
Toward a South Pacific Integrated Ecosystem Studies Program (SPICES)
Place: Concepción, Chile
Organizers: NOAA, (PICES: co-sponsored)
GEOHAB Open Science Meeting
Progress in Interpreting Life History and Growth Dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms in Fjords and Coastal Environments
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers:GEOHAB, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2012, Vol.20, No.2]
7th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Organizers:Study of Marine Bioinvasions (SSMB), (PICES: co-sponsored)
Bok of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Winter 2012, Vol.20, No.1]
45th CMOS (Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress) on
Ocean, Atmosphere and the Changing Pacific
Place: Victoria, Canada
Organizers: Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), (PICES: co-sponsored)
2nd ESSAS (Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Sea) Open Science Meeting (OSM)
Comparative studies of climate effects on polar and sub-polar ocean ecosystems: Progress in observation and prediction
Place: Seattle, USA
Organizers: ESSAS, (PICES: co-sponsored)
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Winter 2011, Vol.19, No.2]
26th Lowell Wakefield Symposium on
Ecosystems 2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management
Place: Anchorage, USA
Organizers: Alaska Sea Grant, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Winter 2011, Vol.19, No.1]
Integrating biogeochemistry and ecosystems in a changing ocean: Regional comparisons
Place: Crete, Greece
Organizers: Integrated maring Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER), (PICES: co-sponsored)
OceanObs’09 Conference on Ocean Information for Society: Sustaining Benefits, Realizing the Potential
Place: Venice, Italy
Organizers: (PICES: co-sponsored)
The Effects of Environmental Variability on Cephalopod Populations, (CIAC'09)
Place: Vigo, Spain
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), (PICES: co-sponsored)
6th International Conference on Marine bioinvasions
Place: Portland, OR, USA
Organizers: Study of Marine Bioinvasions (SSMB), (PICES: co-sponsored)
Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Winter 2010, Vol.18, No.1]
International Symposium on Coping with Global Change in Marine Social-Ecological Systems
Place: Rome, Italy
Organizers: GLOBEC, EUR-OCEANS, FAO, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2009, Vol.16, No.1]
International Conference on The Humboldt Current system: Climate, Ocean Dynamics, Ecosystem Processes and Fisheries
Place: Lima, Peru
Organizers: Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE), L’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), (PICES: co-sponsored)
Book of Abstracts
Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators for Fisheries Management
Place: Paris, France
Organizers: IOC, SCOR (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Summer 2004, Vol.12, No.2]
2024, Sep 26–27, 30
International Open Science VIRTUAL TRAINING
An Ocean Decade-Endorsed Activity Co-led by PICES Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs)
Organizers: PICES AP-ECOP, other EGs
[PICES Press, Winter 2025, Vol. 33, No. 1]
2022, Sep 23–24
How to Create Memorable PICES Science Stories
Place: Korea
Organizers: PICES AP-SciCom
[PICES Press, Winter 2023, Vol. 33, No. 1]
2022, Aug 22–26
Ocean Turbulence: From Observing to Research
Organizers: PICES, Marine Observation Branch of the Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology (CSOL)
[PICES Press, Winter 2023, Vol. 31, No. 1 ]
2022, Aug 8–19
Ocean Big Data
Organizers: PICES, hosted by Ocean Networks Canada (ONC)
[PICES Press, Winter 2023, Vol. 31, No. 1 ]
2018, Jul 9–13
Coastal Ocean Observatory Science
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers: PICES, Ocean Networks Canada (ONC)
[PICES Press, Winter 2019, Vol. 27, No. 1]
2014, Aug 26–29
End-to-End (E2E) Models for Marine Resources Management and Research
Place: Gangneung, Korea
Organizers: PICES, EAST-I Project, etc.
[PICES Press, Winter 2015, Vol. 23, No. 1]
2013, Oct 21–25
Remote sensing data analysis
Place: Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
Organizers: NOWPAP, PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2014, Vol. 22, No. 2]
2013, Aug 19–23
Ocean observing systems and ecosystem monitoring
Place: Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, U.S.A.
Sponsor/Organizer: PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2014, Vol. 22, No. 1]
2011, Oct 8–12
Remote sensing data analysis TRAINING COURSE
Place: Vladivostok, Russia
[PICES Press, Winter 2012, Vol. 20, No. 1]
Rapid Assessment Survey methodologies for detecting marine non-indigenous species
Place: Phuket, Thailand
Co-Organizers: PICES,
Phuket Marine Biological Center
[PICES Press, Winter 2012, Vol. 20, No. 1]
2nd PICES Harmful Algal Bloom TRAINING COURSE
Seafood Safety Project
Place: Guatemala-City, Guatemala
Co-Organizers: PICES S-HAB
[PICES Press, Summer 2010, Vol. 18, No. 2]
1st PICES Harmful Algal Bloom TRAINING COURSE
Seafood Safety Project
Place: Manila, Philippines
Co-Organizers: PICES S-HAB
[PICES Press, Summer 2009, Vol. 17, No. 2]
2009, Aug 25–28
Satellite Oceanography Satellite Oceanogr for the Earth Environment
Place: Seoul, Korea
Co-Organizers: PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2009, Vol. 18, No. 1]
Ecosystem-Based Management
Place: Hakodate, Japan
Co-Organizers: PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2009, Vol. 17, No. 1]
2006, Aug 21–25
Ocean circulation and ecosystem modeling
Place: Busan, Korea
Co-Organizers: PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2007, Vol. 15, No. 1]
An Introduction to Rapid Assessment Survey Methodologies for Application in Developing Countries WORKSHOP
Place: ‘Marine Site’, Kobe University Research
Center for Inland Seas, Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Organizers: PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2011, Vol.19, No.1]
2023, November 6–12
Place: Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Organizers: GOOD-OARS-CLAP-COPAS, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2023, Jun 19–24
Sustaining the Ocean We Need for the Future We Want
Place: Koper, Slovenia
Organizers: IMBER / IMECaN, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Winter 2024, Vol. 32, No. 1]
2018, Aug 1–8
Interdisciplinary approaches for sustainable oceans
Place: Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Organizers: IMBER, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2017, Nov 30 – Dec 10
The 26th International Hydrological Program (IHP) TRAINING COURSE
Coastal vulnerability and freshwater discharge
Place: Nagoya University, Japan
Organizers: IHP, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Winter 2017, Vol. 25, No. 2]
2016, Aug 10–17
Towards more resilient oceans: Predicting and projecting future changes in the ocean and their impacts on human societies
Place: Natal, Brazil
Organizers: IMBER, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2016, Aug 4–9
Delineating the Issues of Climate Change and Impacts to Marine Ecosystems: Bridging the Gap Between Research, Assessment, Policy and Management
Place: Shanghai, China
Organizers: IMBER, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2013, Aug 23 – Sep 2
SOLAS 6th International SUMMER SCHOOL
Place: Xiamen, China
Organizers: SOLAS, (PICES: co-sponsored)
[PICES Press, Winter 2014, Vol. 22, No. 1]
2012, Jul 23–28
A view towards Earth System models: Human-natural system interactions in the marine world
Place: Ankara, Turkey
Organizers: IMBER, (PICES: co-sponsored)
Place: Cargèse, Corsica, France
Organizers: SOLAS, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2010, Aug 23–27
ClimEco2: Oceans, Marine Ecosystems, and Society facing Climate Change - A multidisciplinary approach
Place: Brest, France
Co-Organizers: IMBER, (PICES: co-sponsored)
2019, Oct 12–13
Zooplankton Production Practical Workshop (Phase 2)
Production methodologies and measurements for in situ zooplankton
Place: Hakai Institute, Quadra Island, BC, Canada
Organizers: PICES WG 37
[PICES Press, Winter 2020, Vol. 28, No. 1]
2018, Oct 22–24
Zooplankton Production Practical Workshop (Phase 1)
Production methodologies and measurements for in situ zooplankton
Place: Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: PICES WG 37, Yokohama National University, Japan Science and Promotion Society
[PICES Press, Winter 2019, Vol. 27, No. 1]
PICES-MOE (Ministry of Environment of Japan) ADRIFT Events
Co-convened by: Japanese Association of Benthology (JAB), Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography (JSFO), Japanese Society of Phycology (JSP), Oceanographic Society of Japan (OSJ), Sessile Organisms Society of Japan (SOSJ)
2017, May 18
International Symposium on “Effects of marine debris caused by the Great Tsunami of 2011”
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT), Tokyo, Japan
Program Poster
2017, May 19
Seminar for graduate students on “Marine debris from the Great Tsunami of 2011 – Overview”
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
2017, May 20
Public event “Where have the tsunami-rafted objects gone?”
Matushima A, Heanel Sendai, Japan
Program Poster
2013, Sep 10–12
Development and application of Regional Climate Models-II
Place: Busan, Korea
Organizers: PICES, OCCAPA Program funded by Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea;
Research Institute of Oceanography (RIO), Seoul National University
[PICES Press, Winter 2014, Vol.22, No.1]
2013, Mar 14–15
Radionuclide Science and Environmental Quality of Radiation in the North Pacific Workshop
Place: Fujian Province, P.R. China
Organizers: PICES
[PICES Press, Summer 2013, Vol.21, No.2]
Place: Friday Harbor Labs, WA, USA
Organizers: Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynaics (GLOBEC), PICES, The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Introduction to Rapid Assessment Survey methodologies for detecting non-indigenous marine species International Workshop
Place: Nagasaki, Japan
Organizers: PICES, The Fisheries Research Agency (FRA), Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP), IOC sub-commission for Western Pacific (WESTPAC)
Development and application of Regional Climate Models International Workshop
Place: Incheon, Korea
Organizers: co-sponsored by several Korean organizations and PICES
Reaction of northern hemisphere ecosystems to climate events: A comparison
Place: Hamburg, Germany
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), PICES
[PICES Press, Summer 2011, Vol.19, No.2]
Inter-sessional Workshop of PICES Integrated FUTURE Science Program
Indicators of status and change within North Pacific marine ecosystems
Place: Honolulu, USA
Organizers: PICES
CREAMS/PICES EAST-II (East Asian Seas Time-series) Workshop
Place: Gangnueng, Korea
Organizers: PICES
Inter-sessional Workshop of PICES Integrated
FUTURE Science Program
Indicators of status and change within North Pacific marine ecosystems
Place: Seoul, Korea
Organizers: PICES
Carbon data synthesis (II) Workshop
Place: JAMSTEC Office, Tokyo, Japan
Organizers: PICES; Ministry of Environment (GlobalEnvironment Research Fund), Japan; Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science (JSPC)
PICES North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report (NPESR) Synthesis Workshop
Place: Honolulu, USA
Organizers: PICES
The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey and long-term observations of plankton ecosystems in the North Pacific Workshop
Place: Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: PICES
Changes in distribution and abundance of clupeiform small pelagic fish in relation to climate variability and global change Workshop
Place: Kiel, Germany
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), PICES, GLOBEC-SPACC
Fourth PICES Workshop on The Okhotsk Sea and adjacent areas
Place: Abashiri, Japan
Organizers: PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2009, Vol. 17, No. 1]
Workshop to develop an Implementation Plan for the new PICES integrative scientific program, FUTURE
Place: Seattle, USA
Organizers: PICES
Workshop of PICES Climate Forcing and Marine Ecosystem Response (CFAME) Task Team
Place: Honolulu, USA
Organizers: PICES
[PICES Press, Summer 2008, Vol.16, No.2]
ICES/PICES meeting on Environmental interactions of mariculture
Place: Victoria, Canada
Organizers: The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), PICES
2nd MODEL/Data intercomparison for the Japan/East Sea International Workshop
Place: Busan, Korea
Organizers: CREAMS-PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2007, Vol. 15, No. 1]
To develop comparative studies of the sub-Arctic seas International Workshop
Place: St. Petersburg, Russia
Organizers: PICES and The Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Program
[PICES Press, Summer 2006, Vol.14, No.2]
Integration of ecological indicators for the North Pacific with emphasis on the Bering Sea Workshop
Place: Seattle, WA, USA
Organizers: PICES and North Pacific Research Board (NPRB)
A comparison of regional mechanisms for fish production: Ecosystem perspectives
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Organizers: PICES
PICES MODEL Task Team Workshop
Global comparison of sardine, anchovy and other small pelagics: Building towards a multi-species model
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Organizers: Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), The Fisheries Research Agency (FRA), Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC), Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and PICES
[PICES Press, Winter 2006, Vol.14, No.1]
Workshop to synthesize results from the second in situ iron enrichment experiments in the western subarctic North Pacific (SEEDS-II)
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Organizers: Ocean Research Institute (ORI), The University of Tokyo and PICES
[PICES Press, Winter, Vol.14, No.1]
To develop a workplan for future CFAME Task Team activities and hypothesis for CCCC synthesis
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizer: PICES
[PICES Press, Summer, Vol.13, No.2]
Workshop on East Asian Seas Time-series (EAST-I) as part of the CREAMS/PICES project
Place: Seoul, Korea
[PICES Press, Summer 2005, Vol.13, No.2]
MODELTask Team Workshop on Development of a model on coupled responses of lower and higher trophic levels for climate variability in the North Pacific
Place: Seattle, WA, USA
Organizers: PICES
on In-situ iron enrichment experiments in the eastern and western subarctic Pacific
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers: PICES AP-IFEP
PICES MODEL Task Team Workshop
Summary and synthesis of contributions from NEMURO and NEMURO.FISH
Place: Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: PICES (funded by the grant from the Japan Fisheries Research Agency)
PICES North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report (NPESR) Workshop
Place: Victoria, BC, Canada
Organizers: PICES SG-SPESR
3rd PICES Workshop on Okhotsk Sea and adjacent areas
Place: Vladivostok, Russia
Organizers: PICES, TINRO-Center and CoML
PICES MONITOR Task Team Workshop
Voluntary Observing Systems
Place: Seattle, WA, USA
PICES MODEL Task Team Workshop
Embed NEMURO and NEMURO.FISH into a 3-D circulation model
Place: Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: PICES TT-MODEL, Nakajima Foundation
PICES MODEL /REX Task Teams Workshop
build an NPZF (nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton-fish) version of the PICES NEMURO model
Place: Nemuro/Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: PICES
PICES BASS/MODEL Task Teams Workshop
Using models to test hypothesis on effects of climate change on the North Pacific subarctic gyre system
Place: La Paz, Mexico
Organizers: PICES
Recent Progress in Studies of Physical Processes and their Impact to the Japan/East Sea Ecosystem
Place: Seoul, Korea
Organizers: PICES, CREAMS Workshop
2021, May 25–27
3rd NPAFC-IYS Workshop
Linkages between Pacific Salmon Production and Environmental Changes
Place: Hakodate, Japan
2019, Apr 14–17
Place: Hangzhou, China
Organizers: SOED, SIO, (PICES: co-sponsor)
[PICES Press, Summer 2019, Vol. 27, No. 2]
2018, Mar 12–15
NPFC/FAO Workshop
Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission Area: Applying global experiences to regional assessments
Place: Yokohama, Japan
Organizers: NPFC, ABNJ Deep Seas Project (FAO), (PICES: co-sponsor)
[PICES Press, Summer 2018, Vol. 26, No. 2]
2013, Feb 25 – Mar 1
North Pacific Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs)
Place: Moscow, Russia
Organizers: CBD (PICES: collaborator)
International NPAFC Workshop
Explanations for the high abundance of pink and chum salmon and future trends
Place: Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Organizers: NPAFC (PICES: co-sponsor)
2nd ESSAS Open Science Meeting
Place: Seattle, USA
Organizers: ESSAS (PICES: co-sponsor)
3rd Argo Science Workshop: The future of Argo
Place: Hangzhou, China
Organizers: Argo (PICES: co-sponsor)
Product: Book of Abstracts,
[PICES Press, Summer 2009, Vol.17, No.2]
Ocean Surface pCO2, Data Integration and Database Development Workshop
Place: Tsukuba, Japan
Organizers: International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), NIES (PICES: co-sponsor)