Study Group: Joint NPAFC-PICES Study Group on Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean
  • Acronym: SG-SC-NP
  • Parent Committee: SB
  • Term: Jun. 2013 - Apr. 2014
  • Co-Chairs:
    Jim Irvine (Canada)
    Elizabeth Logerwell (USA)
Statement of Purpose:

The purpose of a joint NPAFC-PICES Study Group on Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean is to develop a framework of enhanced collaboration between the two organizations to achieve better and/or more rapid understanding of natural and anthropogenic variability in marine ecosystems. The study group will review each organization’s scientific needs and identify where similar key questions or scientific issues might be explored jointly by both organizations.

Terms of Reference
  1. Review existing and planned scientific activities of each organization
  2. Develop a list potential areas of cooperation
  3. Convene a meeting/workshop for the following purposes
    • improve understanding of the science activities of each organization
    • review scientific topics from TOR (1) to identify areas of common interest
    • develop a framework for cooperation between NPAFC and PICES that lists categories of joint activities and the rationale for each, including the benefits to each organization from the joint activity, and identify priorities for joint activities within categories
    • recommend processes for implementing TOR (3c)
    • recommend approaches to develop a strategic plan for cooperation and mechanisms to periodically update that plan
  4. The Co-Chairpersons will prepare a final Study Group report for distribution by the NPAFC-PICES Secretariats by spring 2014.
Annual Meetings




Summer 2013, Vol. 21, No. 2
Enhancing scientific cooperation between PICES and NPAFC

NPAFC-PICES framework
NPAFC-PICES framework for enhanced scientific cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean [pdf, 0.5 Mb]
Members (contact info as of December 2014)
Nancy D. Davis
North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
Suite 502, 889 West Pender Street
Vancouver , British Columbia
Canada V6C 3B2
E-mail: ndavis(at)
Jim R. Irvine
SG-SC-NP Co-Chairman
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Pacific Biological Station
3190 Hammond Bay Rd.
Nanaimo, BC
Canada V9T 6N7
E-mail: james.irvine(at)
Skip McKinnell
PICES Secretariat
9860 W. Saanich Rd., P.O. Box 6000
Sidney, BC
Canada V8L 4B2
E-mail: mckinnell(at)
Thomas W. Therriault
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Pacific Biological Station
3190 Hammond Bay Rd.
Nanaimo, BC
Canada V9T 6N7
E-mail: Thomas.Therriault(at)
Hiroaki Saito
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
The University of Tokyo
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha
Kashiwa, Chiba
Japan 277-8564
E-mail: hsaito(at)
Shigehiko Urawa
Salmon Resources Division
Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, FRA
2-2 Nakanoshima, Toyohira-ku
Japan 062-0922
E-mail: urawa(at)
Alexander V. Zavolokin
Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO-Center)
4 Shevchenko Alley
Russia 690091
E-mail: aleksandr.zavolokin(at)
Elizabeth A. Logerwell
Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA
P.O. Box 15700 F/AKC2
Seattle, WA
U.S.A. 98115
E-mail: Libby.Logerwell(at)