Study Groups

The purpose of a Study Group is to analyze the scientific, policy, and/or financial implications of a proposal made by Science Board or Governing Council, and provide recommendations for Science Board or Council on the proposal. This type of group would typically be formed for a period of one-year and would provide a report of their findings and recommendations to Science Board or Council prior to the Annual Meeting after it was formed.

Currently PICES has the following Study Groups:

Active Study Groups:
  • SG-GREEN: Study Group on Generating Recommendations to Encourage Environmentally- Responsible Networking
    (Jun. 2022 - ISB-2024)
Disbanded Study Groups:
  • SG-ARC: Study Group on the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Gateways
    (PICES-2022 - ISB/IGC-2024) (Disbanded: IGC-2024)
  • SG-DATA: Study Group on encouraging Data Awareness and increased Transmission and Accessibility
    (Term: PICES-2022 - PICES-2023) (Disbanded: PICES-2023)
  • SG-ER: Study Group on External Review of PICES
    (Jan. 2022 - May IGC-2023)
  • SG-PICES-APN: Joint APN-PICES Study Group on Scientific Cooperation in the Pacific Ocean
    (Aug. 2021 - Feb. 2023)
  • SG-SCPSC: Joint PICES-PSC Study Group on Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean
    (PICES-2021 - PICES-2022)
  • SG-UNDOS: Study Group on United Nations Decade of Ocean Science
    (PICES-2020 - TBA (final report completion))
  • SG-ECOP: Study Group on Early Career Ocean Professionals
    (PICES-2020 - Jan. 2022 (final report completion))
  • SG-SciCom: Study Group on Science Communications
    (PICES-2020 - Jan. 2022 (final report completion))
  • SG-IMCE: Study Group on Impacts of Mariculture on Coastal Ecosystems
    (Nov. 2018 - Oct. 2020)
  • SG-PICES-NPFC: Joint PICES-NPFC Study Group for Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean
    (Oct. 2017 – Oct. 2019)
  • SG-MMP: Study Group on Marine Microplastics
    (Oct. 2017 – Oct. 2018)
  • SG-MES: Study Group on Marine Ecosystem Services
    (Nov. 2016 – Oct. 2017)
  • SG-NPESR-3: Study Group on North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report
    (Jan. 2015 - Oct. 2016)
  • SG-RSP: Study Group on Revising the Strategic Plan
    (Jan. 2015 - Oct. 2016)
  • SG-CEP: Study Group on Climate and Ecosystem Predictability
    (Oct. 2015 - Oct. 2016)
  • SG-CERP: Study Group on Common Ecosystem Reference Points across PICES Member Countries
    (Oct. 2015 - Oct. 2016)
  • SG-SCISC: Study Group for Scientific Cooperation of ISC and PICES
    (Apr. 2015 - Apr. 2016)
  • SG-SEES: Socio-Ecological-Environmental Systems
    (Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2015)
  • SG-SCOOP: Joint PICES-NOWPAP Study Group on Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean
    (Jul. 2014 - Oct. 2015)
  • SG-SC-NP: Joint NPAFC-PICES Study Group on Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean
    (Jun. 2013 - Oct. 2014)
  • SG-BC: Study Group on Biodiversity Conservation
    (Jan. 2014 - Oct. 2014)
  • SG-MP: Study Group on Marine Pollutants
    (Oct. 2011 - Dec. 2013)
  • SG-RS: Study Group on Radionuclide Science in the North Pacific Ocean
    (Jan. 2013 - Jun. 2013)
  • SG-HD: Study Group on Human Dimensions
    (Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2011)
  • SG-SP: Joint P/ICES Study Group on Developing a Framework for Scientific
    Cooperation in Northern Hemisphere Marine Science

    (Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2011)
  • SG-USP: Study Group on Updating the PICES Strategic Plan
    (Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2011)
  • SG-RAM: Study Group on Restructuring of the PICES Annual Meeting
    (Oct.2008 - Oct. 2009)
  • WT-IP: FUTURE Implementation Plan Writing Team
    (Jun. 2008 - Oct. 2009)
  • SG-COM: Study Group on PICES Communication
    (Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2009)
  • SG-FISP: Study Group on Future Integrative Scientific Program(s)
    (May 2005 - Oct. 2009)
  • WT-SP: FUTURE Science Plan Writing Team
    (Jan. 2007 - Apr. 2008)
  • SG-ESR: Study Group on Ecosytem Status Reporting
    (Oct. 2006 - Oct. 2007)
  • SG-GOOS: Study Group to develop a strategy for GOOS
    (Oct. 2005 - Oct. 2007)
  • SG-MAR: Study Group on Marine Aquaculture and Ranching in the PICES region
    (Oct. 2006 - Oct. 2007)
  • SG-SC: Study Group on Scientific Cooperation between PICES and non-member countries
    (Oct. 2006 - Oct. 2007)
  • SG-RPFR: Study Group on PICES Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations
    (Oct. 2004 - Apr. 2006)
  • SG-EBM: Study Group on Ecosystem-based management science and its application to the North Pacific
    (Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004)
  • SG-FERRRS: Study Group on Fisheries and Ecosystem Responses to Recent Regime Shifts
    (Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004)
  • SG-SI: Study Group on PICES Strategic Plan
    (Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004)
  • SG-CB: Study Group on PICES Capacity Building
    (Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2003)
  • SG-NPESR-RAC: Study Group on North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report and Regional Analysis Centers (RAC)
    (Oct. 2000 - Dec. 2001)