A Working Group is a group of experts that is established
with specific terms of reference, by Council, based on the recommendation
of Science Board. Most Working Groups report to parent Scientific Committees,
others directly to Science Board. Most Working Groups meet annually to
undertake specific tasks within their terms of reference. Science Board
suggests the members of Working Groups in consultation with the PICES
Chairman, and seeks Contracting Parties’ approval and support.
Currently PICES has the following Working Groups:
Active Working Groups:
WG 47: Working Group on Ecology of Seamounts
(PICES-2020 - PICES-2024)
WG 48: Working Group on Towards best practices using Imaging Systems for Monitoring Plankton (WGISMP)
(PICES-2020 - PICES-2024)
WG 49: Working Group on Climate Extremes and Coastal Impacts in the Pacific
(PICES-2021 - PICES-2026)
WG 50: Working Group on Sub-mesoscale Processes and Marine Ecosystems
(PICES-2021 - PICES-2025)
WG 51: Working Group on Exploring Human Networks to Power Sustainability
(PICES-2022 - PICES-2025)
WG 52: Working Group on Data Management
(PICES-2023 - PICES-2026)
WG 53: Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Sustainable Pelagic Forage Communities
(Term: June 2024 – PICES-2027)
Disbanded Working Groups:
WG 46: Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions (ONCE)
(PICES-2020 - PICES-2023) (Disbanded: GC-2024)
WG 45: Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Impacts of Warming on Growth Rates and Fisheries Yields (GRAFY)
(Aug. 2020 - PICES-2024) (Disbanded: GC-2024)
WG 44: Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the Northern Bering Sea - Chukchi Sea
(PICES-2019 - PICES-2023) (Disbanded: GC-2024)
WG 43: Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish
(Term: Dec. 2019 - PICES-2023) (Disbanded: IGC-2024)
WG 42: Working Group on Indicators of Marine Plastic Pollution
(PICES-2018 - PICES-2023) (Disbanded: GC-2024)
WG 41: Working Group on Marine Ecosystem Services
(Term: PICES-2017 - PICES-2021) (Disbanded: PICES-2023)
WG 40: Working Group on Climate and Ecosystem Predictability
(Term: PICES-2017 - PICES-2021) (Disbanded: IGC-2023)
WG 39: Joint PICES/ICES/PAME Working Group on an Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the Central Arctic Ocean
(PICES-2016 – PICES-2022) (Disbanded: IGC-2024)
WG 38: Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes
(Term: PICES-2016 – PICES-2021) (Disbanded: IGC-2023)
WG 37: Working Group on Zooplankton Production Methodologies, Applications and Measurements in PICES Regions
(PICES-2016 – May 2022 (final report submission))
WG 36: Working Group on Common Ecosystem Reference Points across PICES Member Countries
(Term: PICES-2016 – PICES-2020) (Disbanded: PICES-2022)
WG 35: Working Group on Third North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report (WG-NPESR3)
(Term: May 2016 – PICES 2021) (Disbanded: March 1, 2024)
WG 34: Joint PICES/ISC Working Group on Ocean Conditions and the Distribution and Productivity of Highly Migratory Fish
(PICES-2015 - PICES-2020)
WG 33: Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Climate Change and Biologically-driven Ocean Carbon Sequestration
(PICES-2015 - PICES-2018)
WG 32: Working Group on Biodiversity of Biogenic Habitats
(Jan. 2015 - PICES-2020)
WG 31: Working Group on Emerging Topics in Marine Pollution
(Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2017)
WG 30: Working Group on Assessment of Marine Environmental Quality of Radiation around the North Pacific
(Aug. 2013 - PICES-2017)
WG 29: Working Group on Regional Climate Modeling
(PICES-2011 - PICES-2015)
WG 28: Working Group
Development of Ecosystem Indicators to Characterize Ecosystem
Responses to Multiple Stressors
(Jun. 2011 - PICES-2015)
WG 27: Working Group
on North Pacific Climate Variability and Change
(Jun. 2011 - PICES-2015)
WG 26: Working Group
on Jellyfish Blooms around the North Pacific Rim: Causes and Consequences
(PICES-2010 - PICES-2013)
WG 25: Joint
PICES/ICES Working Group on
Forecasting Climate Change Impacts
on Fish and Shellfish
(PICES-2008 - PICES-2011)
WG 24: Working Group on
Interactions of Marine Aquaculture
(PICES-2008 - PICES-2012)
WG 23: Working Group
Comparative Ecology of Krill in Coastal and Oceanic Waters
Around the Pacific Rim
(PICES-2007 - PICES-2011)
WG 22: Working Group
Iron Supply and its Impact on Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
in the North Pacific Ocean
(PICES-2007 - PICES-2010)
WG 21: Working Group
on Non-indigenous Aquatic Species
(PICES-2005 - PICES-2013)
WG 20: Working Group
on Evaluations of Climate Change Projections
(PICES-2005 - PICES-2010)
WG 19: Working Group on
management science and its application to the North Pacific
(PICES-2004 - PICES-2009)
WG 18: Working Group
Mariculture in the 21st century - The intersection between
ecology, socio-economics and production
(PICES-2003 - PICES-2006)
North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report
(PICES-2002 - PICES-2004)
WG 17:
Working Group on Biogeochemical data Integration and Synthesis
(PICES-2001 - PICES-2005)
WG 16:
Working Group on
Climate Change, Shifts in Fish Production, and
Fisheries Management
(PICES-1999 - PICES-2005)
WG 15: Working
Group on Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the North Pacific
(PICES-1999 - PICES-2003)
WG 14: Working
Group on
Effective Sampling of Micronekton to Estimate Ecosystem
Carrying Capacity
(PICES-1997 - PICES-2004)
WG 13: Working
Group on Carbon Dioxide in the North Pacific
(PICES-1997 - PICES-2001)
WG 12: Working
Group on Crabs and Shrimps
(PICES-1995 - PICES-2001)
WG 11: Working
Group on Consumption of Marine Resources by Marine Birds and Mammals
(PICES-1995 - PICES-1999)
WG 10: Working
Group on Circulation and ventilation in the Japan/East Sea
(PICES-1995 - PICES-1999)
WG 9:
Working Group on Subarctic Pacific Monitoring
(PICES-1994 - PICES-1997)
WG 8:
Working Group on Practical Assessment Methodology
(PICES-1994 - PICES-2000)
WG 7:
Working Group on Modeling of the Subarctic North Pacific Circulation
(PICES-1993 - PICES-1995)
WG 6:
Working Group on Subarctic Gyre
(PICES-1992 - PICES-1994)
WG 5:
Working Group on Bering Sea
(PICES-1992 - PICES-1996)
WG 4:
Working Group on Data Collection and Quality Control
(PICES-1992 - PICES-1994)
WG 3:
Working Group on Dynamics of Small Pelagics in Coastal Eecosystems
(PICES-1992 - PICES-1995)
WG 2: Working Group on
Development of Common Assessment Methodology
for Marine Pollution
(PICES-1992 - PICES-1994)
WG 1: Working Group on Okhotsk Sea and Oyashio Region
(PICES-1992 - PICES-1993)