Nominations for the POMA Award are accepted annually from NOVEMBER 1st of the preceding year, to MARCH 31st of the award year. To submit a nomination for the award, please send a letter of nomination, outlining why the nominee deserves to be considered, along with supporting documentation. Supporting documentation can include a resume (for individual nominations) or a list of projects/accomplishments (for groups or organization nominations), and/or additional endorsements from colleagues or managers. All nomination materials should be submitted to the PICES Executive Secretary, Sonia Batten, at by MARCH 31st. Late nominations will not be accepted.
2024 POMA
EC1 Program at Seoul National University
PICES-2024 Opening Ceremony: Awards |
YouTube (TBA) |
PICES Press 2025, Vol. 33, No. 1, page 10 |
2023 POMA
HAB monitoring and research programmes in China
PICES-2023 Opening Ceremony: Awards |
PICES Press 2024, Vol. 32, No. 1, page 10 |
2022 POMA
Japanese monitoring research activities on mezozooplankton
YouTube (46:05) |
Certificate |
PICES Press, Vol. 31, No. 1, page 18 |
2021 POMA
Ecosystems and Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations
EcoFOCI Program (NOAA)
2020 POMA
La Perouse Program, DFO Canada
2018 POMA
International Argo Steering Team
2017 POMA
Newport Hydrographic Line (USA)
2016 POMA
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) 137°E Repeat Hydrographic Section
2015 POMA
TINRO-Centre Macrofauna Inventory Publication Series
2014 POMA
Trans-Pacific Volunteer Observing Ship (VOS) Survey Program
2013 POMA
A-line Monitoring Program
2012 POMA
California Cooperative Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI)
2011 POMA
NFRDI Serial Oceanographic Observation in Korean Waters (NSO)
2010 POMA
Station Papa / Line-P
2009 POMA
Metadata Federation Project (MFP) teams
2008 POMA