The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), an intergovernmental science organization, was established in 1992 to promote and coordinate marine research in the North Pacific and its adjacent seas. Its present members are Canada, Japan, People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America. Click here to learn more about PICES through a 10 minute video from the 25th Anniversary Meeting of PICES.

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FUTURE (Forecasting and Understanding Trends, Uncertainty and Responses of North Pacific Marine Ecosystems ) is an integrative Science Program undertaken by the member nations and affiliates of PICES to understand how marine ecosystems in the North Pacific respond to climate change and human activities, to forecast ecosystem status based on a contemporary understanding of how nature functions, and to communicate new insights to its members, governments, stakeholders and the public. Click here to learn more about FUTURE and to get involved (3 min video).

  • PICES-2025

    Nov 7–16, 2025, Yokohama, Japan
    PICES-2025 Sessions and Workshops Proposals Submissions will open on October 1, 2024 and will close on November 15th (See GC Decision 2023/S/14 regarding the change for 2024). Information about the scope of PICES-2025 will be announced in early September but as is traditional will be broad and allow for many different aspects of PICES science to be included.

  • Call for Review of 2024 SCOR Working Group Proposals
    Instructions and a template for the review can be found here.
    Please send your comments on these proposals to the SCOR Secretariat ( before 31 August 2024.

  • Changes within AP-ECOP Membership (Japan): Dr. Aoi Sugimoto stepped down as a member of the ECOP Advisory Panel.
    7/25/2024 2:03:23 PM PST
  • New Working Group 53 Membership (Japan): Sachihiko Itoh, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Akinori Takasuka, Motomitsu Takahashi, Mikio Watai
    7/25/2024 1:47:25 PM PST
  • AP-UNDOS Membership Changes (ex-officio from BECI): Kathryn Berry is an ex-officio in AP-UNDOS representing BECI.
    7/8/2024 1:14:49 PM PST
  • New Working Group 53 Membership (China, Korea, Russa, USA): China (Yue Jin, Shuyang Ma, Yongjun Tian, Wei Yu, Hui Zhang, Kui Zhang); Korea (Haeyoung Choi, Minje Choi, Hwansung Ji, Heejoong Kang, Dongwha Sohn); Russia (Dmitriy Antonenko, Nikita Dederer, Vladimir I. Radchenko); USA (Brad Erisman, Isaac Kaplan, Ryan Rykaczewski, Margaret Siple, Matthew Baker, Richard Brodeur, Tim Essington).
    7/2/2024 7:16:16 PM PST
  • Changes within CC-S Membership (USA): Dr. Yuichiro Takeshita is a new member of S-CC replacing Prof. Burke Hales.
    7/2/2024 5:51:27 PM PST
  • Changes within S-HAB Membership (Korea): Dr. Minji Lee is a newly appointed S-HAB member.
    5/21/2024 1:04:09 PM PST
  • Changes within AP-ECOP Membership (Japan): Dr. Satomi Takagi is a newly appointed member of AP-ECOP.
    5/16/2024 4:57:10 PM PST
  • More News...
PICES Special Publications (more...)
Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean 2009–2016: Synthesis Report The Effects of Marine Debris Caused by the Great Japan Tsunami of 2011
Peer-Reviewed Journals (more...)
Scientific & Technical Reports (more...)
FERRRS brochure: "Fisheries & Ecosystem Responses to Recent Regime Shifts in the North Pacific" PICES Press.  Vol. 21, No. 1. Jan. 2013 FAO-2024